River Run


(click on the above detail images for light box)

a note from the artist

We skate on an intense nothingness we do not see because we see nothing else. 
— John Updike

The ground we trod on is beyond precious, yet it is so ubiquitous that it is impossible to keep at the forefront of our mind. I know that I don’t think of it too often. Yet, everything we have, every wonder, every piece of trash, all came from the ground beneath our feet. 

We stood in the glacial run-off river in Banff National Park in British Columbia trying and failing to skip rocks across the fast-moving water. It was freezing and refreshing on our feet. Each of the rocks was so pretty yet it wasn’t until I was back on the river bank that I thought perhaps I should take a photo with them. I was already dry but it was worth the precarious trip back into the frigid stream to the place where the currents piled rocks almost to the surface. 

** River Run is available in both vertical and horizontal orientations

"River Run" is a limited edition of 5 only

Small: 24"x36" $2,500
Standard: 32”x48” 3,850
Large: 40"x60" $6,000
Grand: 48"x72" $9,000

Commissions available 

About the prints: I print on a premium substrate that is unparalleled in depth and luminosity. The material refracts light in such a way that light travels laterally through the paper as well as reflects to the audience creating a brilliant effect that many mistake to be rear illumination. Each print is then face mounted to acrylic and sandwiched to a protective backing. The artwork is then framed or a recessed mount is added to the back to float on the wall. I offer many framing options on this website or you can collect the artwork and have it framed at your preferred framer. More arrangements are available. Liners are available in Black, White, Beige. See FRAMES in the menu above for more frames and liner options.



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