Fantasy Drop


Asgard’s Watcher


I had a vision of an angel coming to rest in a beautiful scene as if no one was watching. Creating this moment felt amazing. It’s my return to creative portraiture and a step in the direction of the type of art I want to create, combining my portraits and landscapes. Edition of 5. Four available - the last will be available at auction. [SOLD OUT]


The Fall

sold at auction for 750 ADA

My portrait work investigates dualities. The characters in my

novels (WIP) are god-like. With The Fall I brought these ideas

together in a dark & light scene of two characters falling between realms.

Below is the Halloween and Fantasy drop. Gambit100 holders had access to the drop beginning on October 15th. If you’d like to become a Gambit holder after collecting a piece, please dm me on Discord. These are works I’ve created over the years. @AllyIllustrated and I are creating brand new fantasy works over the next two weeks that will also be included in the drop. You can stay tuned by following my discord. Click any image to see it in higher resolution.


He Loves Me Not
Created during a fun couples’ shoot, this image pairs with a much ‘happier’ “He Loves Me.” In this version she is a naiad freezing rose pedals with her broken heart.
ed. of 5 [SOLD OUT]

Rage & Pain
One of the coolest things about looking back at my older work is seeing the themes I’ve adopted today rooted when in my early work. Check out the BTS!
ed. of 5 [SOLD OUT]



How thin is the skin of my sanity. Somewhere deep beneath the equitable presence I present there exists a shadow me made up of forces roiling, and anarchic and potentially mad.-Michael Polland
1/5 [SOLD] | 2/5 [SOLD] | 3/5 | 4/5 | 5/5


Each knight enters the forest where it is darkest and there is no path. 

ed. of 5 [SOLD OUT]



This is one of my first dream-inspired artworks. This concept forced me to expand my skillset. Creating it was… a struggle, as you’ll see in the BTS video ⇥
1/5 [SOLD] | 2/5 [SOLD] | 3/5 [SOLD] | 4/5 [SOLD] | 5/5



I was in the Philippines at our family restaurant, Sulu Gardens, sharing my photography with a small crowd. Aiden really loved my fantasy portraits and told me he wanted to be a super hero. I thought about it and said, “let’s do it!” I assembled a small team of unlikely photo assistants who gathered what they could find: a lantern, a gardener’s machete, a gaudy vest, some dry leaves and, a fan. Then we made Aiden a super hero.

1/5 [SOLD] | 2/5 [SOLD] | 3/5 | 4/5 [SOLD] | 5/5


‼️ Join the Jason Matias Fine Art discord channel to stay on top of this drop. ‼️

Policy ID:

Jason Matias is an artist, photographer, author speaker, and USAF veteran. His work has been seen in numerous pubs and art shows around the nation. He currently lives in Seattle and is an active member of the arts community.

For more info and artist CV, see the Artist Page


Feel free to ask me anything about the artworks in this collection using the form to the right or reach out to me on discord.