For the love of light
a note from the artist
I know, intrinsically, that chasing love and chasing light are both futile pursuits,
Every moment in this endeavor is at once purposefully spent and arduously wasted,
Yet I wake each morning to capture the warmth that either radiate,
To hold captive the love or the light is to hold time’s debts in your grasp and to pay them,
That freedom is worth the world, it inspires the chase, and credits each peak with a unique high.
February 2018, sunset, Valley of Fire. I remember not being ready for such an incredible display of light. Dusk was noticeably overcoming daylight while my mind was retracing steps back to the road and my eyes were wearily scrutinizing the ground for tricks played by the greying shadows. Then the valley burst alight again as if new tinder was added to a dying campfire.
Even though I knew I had something special when I captured this frame, because of the slow way I untangle light, it has taken nearly one year of tinkering before I became ready to add For the Love of Light to my portfolio.

About the prints: I print on a premium substrate that is unparalleled in depth and luminosity. The material refracts light in such a way that light travels laterally through the paper as well as reflects to the audience creating a brilliant effect that many mistake to be rear illumination. Each print is then face mounted to acrylic and sandwiched to a protective backing. The artwork is then framed or a recessed mount is added to the back to float on the wall. I offer Tabacchino and other handmade framing options. Available starting at 36” with custom sizes available upon request. Below are examples of 36” and 48” editions in a variety of frames. More arrangements are available. Liners are available in Black, White, Beige. See FRAMES in the menu above for more frames and liner options.