A Note From The Artist
New York | Edition of 50
There is something extremely calming about boats to me. At a lake shrouded in fog in New York I really felt as though the world was only as large as openings between the mist. Like covering your head with the blankets and willing that dream back. The mist was my blanket. It felt invigorating when I filled my chest with it. While waiting for the small boat to turn in the current I imagined that the condensed air I exhaled on the cool morning was adding to the morning’s misty blanket; I was a part of the magic. That was just Nature allowing me to play along the way she allows all of us from time to time, if we pay attention to her.
Edition of 50
About the prints: I print on a premium substrate that is unparalleled in depth and luminosity. The material refracts light in such a way that light travels laterally through the paper as well as reflects to the audience creating a brilliant effect that many mistake to be rear illumination. Each print is then face mounted to acrylic and sandwiched to a protective backing. The artwork is then framed or a recessed mount is added to the back to float on the wall. I offer Tabacchino and other handmade framing options.Available starting 20"x40" 30"x60" 36"x72" 40"x80" 48"x96" and custom sizes