Royal Skies | Mono Lake, California
a note from the artist
Late summer, 2015, I took two weeks to drive to Phoenix and back with no camera besides my iPhone. I met friends in Yosemite (actually, I met these same people on different road trip for my birthday that year in April) and among them was a spare camera body, spare lens, and the tiniest tripod I’d ever used. Initially, however, I felt that I didn’t have a camera because I didn’t deserve a camera and I stuck to my stubborn guns though an entire night of astrophotography in Yosemite National Park. Instead I remained a spectator and embraced a night full of stars and friends. When we arrived at Mono Lake, east of Yosemite, and I came up with the idea for Akasha I reached out for their camera gratefully. Later that same morning, as the yellow-gold pre-dawn horizon bled into a purple sky, I face west and captured Royal Skies.
.What do I love about this photograph? I love her layers; I love the purple hues; I love the texture contrasts.
Why have a held on to this piece for so long? For a long time, I thought it was too simple, then I became distracted by life. But the traveling calm I feel in Royal Skies as my eyes take in the details, and the comfortable isolation I look for always resonated with me when I rediscovered her.
The jagged, rough tufa rising from the lake’s surface make me think of the heart beat of life- irregular and frantic. The mountains, sky, and lake are the crushing calmness, like meditation, that keeps that frantic beating from bursting out of my

Grand - Edition of 12 - 28x84 (2.5m)
Large - Edition of 12 - 24x72 (1.85m)
Standard - Edition of 12 - 20x60 (1.5m)
About the prints: I print on a premium substrate that is unparalleled in depth and luminosity. The material refracts light in such a way that light travels laterally through the paper as well as reflects to the audience creating a brilliant effect that many mistake to be rear illumination. Each print is then face mounted to acrylic and sandwiched to a protective backing. The artwork is then framed or a recessed mount is added to the back to float on the wall. I offer Tabacchino and other handmade framing options. Available starting 20”x60” 24”x72” 28”x84” 32”x96” and custom sizes. Below are examples in 4” frames with and without liners. More arrangements are available. Liners are available in Black, White, Beige. See FRAMES in the menu above for more frames and liner options.