Comfortable Isolation has been a part of my art and life for quite a while.
I didn’t recognize it for years. As I developed as an artist and visual connoisseur, I began actively noticing what called to me when I visited an art gallery or journeyed into the outdoors on a photo mission. Comfortable Isolation.
[click on any image to see it larger. Best viewed on a big screen]
The surface was smooth and calm as a worked pane of glass. Not even a ripple marred the surface of the canal. For a moment I thought I could skip a rock across the surface and it would just slide the width of the canal and deposit on the far bank, out of sight.
“Solitude” [click the image to learn more about this piece]
I have this idea that had been skirting my active and alight brain during my early photography career and been ever-present in my mind, work, and esthetic since I put a name to it. "Comfortable Isolation."
Now that everybody is isolating for our and our fellow man's good, I thought I'd share something pretty, something powerful, and something comfortable.
The idea of Comfortable Isolation earned a name in my head while I was researching a paper for my master's program.
The paper was about personal growth. When does it happen? How does it happen? What facilitates it?
Personal growth happens when we take the stimuli and inputs we received through the day/week/life into a place inside ourselves and sort them into an order we can understand the place where we number crunch and dissect our experiences.
We argue with our inner demons and struggle with the notions and beliefs already present and try to make these new experiences fit. Which often means that we have to expand our minds.
Sometimes this is hard. Sometimes this is crazy difficult. These personal moments and unseen battles are the building blocks of our character.
Decorating your home can be a challenge, I can help. Get up to a $500 art credit that you can use on whichever art you fall in love with and suits your space best without stressing over the cost of the perfect installation. Limited time offer.
Today, more than at any time in our species history, it is easier than ever to escape the battlefield of our inner psyche by calling a friend, engaging social media, playing a game.
It is more and more difficult to be alone with ourselves than ever before. Thus, this idea of mine found purchase and purpose. I wanted to create the kind of place where you'd WANT to be alone and face the inner turmoil: scenes of comfortable isolation. Following the idea of the 60-second meditation- you can look up, and into one of these places and escape for a moment at a time and you can look into one of these scenes as a neutral place of meeting and discussion for the conflicts inside you.
I returned to this spot for sunrise and sunset five or six times and didn't once think of getting into the hammock. Very few people did. This didn't strike me until just now. The scene was pretty, beautiful at times, but perhaps ostentatious in its singularity. The boldness of the idea that this hammock is for one person only…
This type of place calls to me and I seek to create them for myself, my friends, and you all; my art family if it's okay with you.
During the past few months (we’re three months into Covid-19 at the time of this writing), being in isolation has been on everyone’s mind. Many are actually alone, sequestered in their homes without family, friends, or roommates. I hope some of us alone can find the courage and discipline to put aside distractions and make time for introspection.
As I strive to visualize and create this idea of Comfortable Isolation I find myself drawn to water and what it represents: renewal, neutrality, energy. In psychology, the ego is referred to as a pool of energy found in the mind. Too often, I visit my ego …
All the elements have to line up for a capture such as this: the field, the light, the degree to which fall has taken hold, and luck.
Learn more about A Sun Story
How I find scenes of Isolation
I’m always searching for scenes of isolation. The “comfortable” part is up to the viewer. Whether I’m driving around a city or the backcountry, scouring google maps, or scrolling social media for inspiration, I’m searching for the elements of the photography I enjoy creating.
A compelling subject.
Depth or contrast between the subject and its surroundings. Like in A Sun Story (above), the subject isn’t isolated physically, but it is in color and content.
A large scene that can “hold” the subject.
How many laws will I have to break to get this photograph.
Learn more about the above collection here.
I don’t only find these scenes in nature, as you can see above. I love finding them in urban environments. The collection above was created in New York City. While New York, New York. 2014 was a target of opportunity; the other three took considerable planning. The one-of-a-kind photograph of Freedom Tower through Manhattan Bridge actually required a bit of B&E and ninja-like rooftop maneuvering after weeks of planning.
Comfortable Isolation is a scene and a feeling. I love what it implies and the way it makes a room feel when it’s mounted on a wall. These works completely transform a space. All of the pieces shared here are editions of 50 or less and are available in multiple sizes. Statement pieces, they great conversation starters, and mood setters.
I hope the pieces shared here will inspire you to take a moment to reflect. You can do so right now. You can pause for a sixty-second meditation. Pick a piece and focus on the space it creates in your mind and leave all your baggage and worries at the door.
Want to say hello?
Have an questions about this body of work, collecting, or framing?
Do you want to see how one of these might look in your home?
Need help choosing the perfect piece?
Feel free to contact me.
There were only minutes before our few moments of magic light would began and fewer minutes before they were spent. When the sun is about 5° below the horizon…
To them this was likely just another day with fish and nets, a bit of hard work and a few laughs. I felt completely disconnected from, and envious of, the men on the small skiff as they glided across my horizon…
This is a place where you can send your visions into the blind world.
The way a gale can make the world quiet.
Let the noise between your ears be deafening.
The way a crescendo from a ninety piece orchestra bursts into silence.
Let the heart be like the stillness of a mountain…
It must have been the light because I can't say how many times I've passed this spot on Ruston Way before realizing that its appeal. I spent the next 20 minutes absorbing the retreating light, post-sunset, with long exposures. When I got it, I knew, and it felt right.
Standing a top a gigantic fallen, 10’ off the ground and safe from the high tide, I waited for more than than an hour between captures for the sun’s rays to eclipse the wooded foot hills behind me and kiss this lonely tree.
the aligning light made me think of chakras aligning and the experience I had with a shaman early during my trip to Bali. She produced a crystal to see which of my chakras were open and which were blocked. There were four open…
There is something extremely calming about boats to me. At a lake shrouded in fog in New York I really felt as though the world was only as large as openings between the mist. Like covering your head with the blankets and willing that dream back. The mist was my blanket. It felt invigorating when I filled my chest with it. While waiting for the small boat…